Step 3: Book the Viking Fighter

1. Choose activity ›  2. Choose a date ›  3. Book activity ›  4. Confirm booking ›  5. Booking submitted

Visitor information

N.B. We can accomodate one class with at most 35 pupils per occasion. At least two adults must accompany the class.

Visit date:2025-05-23
School name:
Year class:
Number of pupils:
Number of adults:
Contact and billing information

the Viking Fighter costs 4650 SEK per class with up to 25 pupils, and an additional 160 SEK extra per pupil up to a maximum of 35 pupils per occasion. For electronic invoicing we need the following information: GLN, billing address, reference number.

Calculated cost: -

Payment method:
Contact person:
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Billing address:
Reference number:

Fel | Fotevikens Museum


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